Montessori Education


Montessori education is an educational approach developed by Italian physician and educator MARIA MONTESSORI (1870-1952). She based her educational methods on scientific observation of children’s learning processes. Montessori had firmly believed that the children and adolescents should be given an opportunity to learn from the environment and nature rather than coercing them in classrooms. The Montessori Method of education in India is accepted as one of the most effective ways of developing the cognitive capabilities of the children.


In Montessori education, no matter what the home conditions might be, we try to create conditions at school that give children a sense of joy, a sense of celebration, and a sense that they are part of something bigger than themselves, without taking away their sense of personal empowerment and personal responsibility. We aim to inspire in them a sense of awe and wonder. This is not done in a way that makes children feel small and powerless, but rather to say “you belong on this Earth!” Montessori creates an understanding that each life has value and each life has purpose. Our children learn that we need to honor ourselves, honor our parents, honor all life, and honor other human beings. Like all great spiritual traditions, Montessori helps children to discover their own dignity in the midst of our imperfections and personal limitations.

Montessori children learn that their ideas have merit and that their decisions are important. They learn that people make mistakes, but that we can learn from them. It teaches that we need to take responsibility for our actions and, where appropriate, to try to rebalance the scales.